5 Things You Have to Check Before Choosing a Turmeric Supplement!

Immune system
13 November 2023
Bottom line, what’s most important for you to know?
  • Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and belongs to a family of pigments called Curcuminoids that give the turmeric its yellow-orangey color.
  • Despite the curcumin’s promising clinical affects, its absorption is limited and it’s biologically scarce which doesn’t allow us to produce the maximal efficiency attributed to it.
  • A quality curcumin supplement is examined by sever important criteria, such as a special technology that increases the curcumin’s biological availability, in order to reach its desired effect.

Lately it seems that turmeric is everywhere, everyone’s talking about it and its health benefits. But how would you know which turmeric supplement you should pick? We’re here to help you.

We’ve gathered five things you have to know before choosing a turmeric aupplement!

Turmeric, why is everyone talking about it?

Turmeric is called the “orange wonder”, not just for its intense color but only for its unique qualities. The turmeric’s special abilities have been known for thousands of years and it’s one of the oldest and most well-known medicinal herbs used for traditional practices around the world, thanks to the curcumin, its active substance, which gives it its many benefits.

Thousands of researches and dozens of clinical trials were made, proving the contribution of curcumin to helping many medicinal issues, and was discovered as a substance with many and versatile biologic roles. The curcumin is known as a clotting agent, protects the liver, a strong anti-inflammatory, helps with digestive system disorders and strengthens the blood vessels. Research has also recently shown that it’s helpful in mental issues, such as depression, mental illnesses, Alzheimer, cognition, memory and thinking. And this is the tip of the iceberg…

Why can’t we get curcumin naturally?

The trouble with curcumin is it leaves the body as quickly as t gets in. Its biological availability is low, meaning, its absorption in the body is very low, (between 1%-3% or even less), which is why it can’t find its way to the blood stream, discharges through the kidneys without effecting the body, causing its clinical efficiency to be very low and ineffective. In fact, in order for having enough curcumin to reach the bloodstream, you’d have to eat a l-o-t of it! And this is not an easy task with Western eating habits.

So, how can you increase the biological availability of curcumin and improve its action and duration in the bloodstream? This is where supplements come in.

5 Things you have to remember before buying curcumin supplements

You can find a wide range of curcumin supplements on the market . These are the things you should pay attention to before choosing one of them:

  1. Advanced technology for making it more powerful – much like other markets, the more advanced the technology gets, the more efficient the supplements become. Make sure to purchase products that come in soft gel technology. This technology allows you to insert a liquid substance in the capsule, which releases more quickly in the body and is more efficiently absorbed making it more powerful. In addition, soft gel capsules are more easily swallowed than tablets, so you can enjoy all the advantages of curcumin easily.
  2. Turmeric oils – make sure to get products that combine curcumin and turmeric root essential oils (turmerones). Combining both materials is optimal and provides 100% natural turmeric extract, just as nature intended. The turmerones help increase the reception and absorption of curcumin in the body and strengthen its activity even after being absorbed.
  3. Clinically proven biological availability – make sure to get products that has a proven biological availability. For instance, BCM-95©-patented supplements have shown a higher biological availability by 100%, in various researches, than standard turmeric extracts. It was also found that the suspension time of these products in the blood is longer, between 8-12 hours, compared to other turmeric extracts.
  4. Clinically displayed efficiency – just as importantly, make sure to choose supplements that were clinically researched as effective. The BCM-95© patent was examined in 10 clinical trails that showed positive results, some of which showed painkiller-like clinical efficiency.
  5. Health organization authorized – finally, don’t just put anything into your bodies. Make sure to have safe-to-use products, GRAS status products given by the FDA. Choose a toxin-free and additives-free supplement, one with a NON-GMO standard, guaranteeing the product contains ingredients that were not genetically engineered.

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