Recommended Probiotics for the Entire Family

13 November 2023
Bottom line, what’s most important for you to know?
  • Our microflora contains up to 500 strains of bacteria – some are beneficial, and some are damaging – as well as parasites, fungi and other living organisms. In a regular state, the probiotic bacteria is the majority and contribute to the protection from contaminants
  • The probiotic bacteria maintain a proper level of acidity and secrete various materials that prevent the thriving of harmful bacteria, parasites and candida.
  • The bacteria in the flora compete on the connective sites to the intestines and on food. Strengthening the probiotic population maintains the proper and desirable blalance.
פרוביוטיקה מומלצת לכל המשפחה

What is probiotics? Which probiotics is recommended and why should you combine it in your family’s healthy routine? What are the good bacteria that fight to keep us healthy? You can find all the answers about natural probiotics, probiotics for men, probiotics pills and which probiotics is best right here in this article.

What are probiotics?

We know the term “probiotics” mainly from commercials, from a pamphlet we haphazardly read at a doctor’s waiting room or from a friend who recommended it to us to “alleviate stomachaches”. However, we don’t know much about these bacteria that protect our bodies and keep us healthy other than that. The probiotic bacteria are those same “friendly bacteria” or ‘good bacteria” and one of their roles is to fight those “bad bacteria” that cause disease and contaminants. Our natural flora includes bacteria settlements, both friendly and pathogenic, and the desired state is when “the good ones” are the majority and strengthening their settlements works in our favor. The probiotic bacteria can difuse the action of the disease generators by producing substances that kill them, increasing the activity of the immune system and help the body protect itself. In addition, the probiotic bacteria can defuse other living organisms that might damage the body, such as fungi, parasites and others. And that’s not all! The probiotic bacteria has many other important roles regarding our health and so they’re best reinforced by choosing the desired foods and taking a quality probiotics supplement.

Why is it important to add a probiotics pill to your daily diet?

While probiotics has a crucial role in the overall defense of the body from disease-generating bacteria and other contaminants, they have many other benefits and can contribute to our health – both directly and indirectly. There’s reason microbe research is raising so much interest in the world of science in recent decades. How can probiotics contribute to our health?

  • Probiotics is good for the digestive system

Our digestive system has over 500 strains of bacteria, some beneficial and other harmful. The probiotics bacteria are important in the processes of breaking down and digestion of food, they produce enzymes that help break down the food. In addition, they create short-chain fatty acids that are vital for the feeding of the inner lining of the colon and locally contribute to intestinal health. Damaging the intestinal flora and the balance of probiotic bacteria could disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and cause side effects such as discomfort, gas, diarrhea and more. Therefore, taking probiotics is even more important for those who suffer from intestinal issues.

  • Probiotics is good for women

Probiotics can help women who suffer from recurring urinal infections, vaginal fungus and different kinds of vaginal infections.

  • Probiotics is good for bacterial laryngitis

Specific probiotic bacteria, such as blis K12, which can be naturally found in the oral cavity and larynx as part of the proper flora and might benefit as a detaining factor for pathogenic bacteria such as streptococcus A, which might cause laryngitis or tonsilitis. An increased presence of blis k12 bacteria has been viewed in research as contributing to the oral cavity hygiene and is recommended after an antibiotic treatment, so the damaged good bacteria settlements could be restored.

  • Probiotics is good while taking antibiotics

Antibiotics not only damages the bad bacteria but also the good ones. Probiotics contributes to maintaining the balance and strengthening the friendly bacteria settlements in the flora.

Probiotics for men, women and children

A probiotics supplement can benefit the entire family when we’re looking to stay healthy all year around. Different probiotics products fit different populations: infants, kids, women, men and the elderly.

How to choose the right probiotics supplement?

The supplements market has so many types of probiotics products, so how will you know how to choose a probiotics supplement that’s both high-quality and fits your family?
First, you’d have to make sure that it’s the right product for you by examining the following parameters:

  1. Amount of bacteria: a high level of bacteria in the product is an advantage when choosing probiotics.
  2. Number of strains: the higher the number of strains is, the wider the spread in the digestive system and intestines will be. The goal is strengthening the desired bacteria settlements while enriching the flora with a wide range of probiotic bacteria strains, each having a health function unique to them.
  3. Bacterial protection: standard probiotic products have a large amount of bacteria dying before they even get to their destination: the intestines, since they have to g through harsh conditions such as stomach acids. Its important to choose a product that was developed under a technology that provides the bacteria with a good protection and keeps them from heat, moisture and stomach acids so they can reach the intestines and do their job.
  4. Specific bacterial strains: a recommended probiotics will contain strains of bacteria that had been tested in clinical trails over years and are proven to be beneficial.

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